Friday, December 28, 2007

This is a series of poems I wrote after certain events that have happened.

The Decomposing of a Man's Mind

The Beginning
Monotony rules my life
No one can understand
Even my friends
Cannot help me now
Please someone let me out
My mind is dying

Finally a bright star
To guide my darkened mind
But after all these years,
I have forgotten how to love
I am cold
Like the ground I stand on
She cannot see the way I feel
And it is my fault
I curse myself,
As she gets farther from me

The First of the Pain
My best friend and ally
I call him my brother
But she goes to him
It hurts me immensly
Friends enquire about my pain
I confide in some
They try to offer help,
But the pain keeps growing
Only she can kill the pain
But it is too late
My mind continues to fade away

The Light is Free
One foolish remark
And it all ended
My ally is sad,
And I am sorry for him
But he will be fine
Now it is my turn
I pray that she will love me
I try and try
But she cannot feel my love
The wall around me
Keeps it from escaping
My mind twists and contorts more
Into a black void

The Betrayal, Pt. I
On that night
I tried to let her in
But the wall was too high
And the gates were sealed
From years of being alone
Now another ally moves in
The only one who helped me
Now hurts me
As he draws her away,
My mind becomes more scarred
And I forget who I am
The only ones I trust
Are the voices in my head

The Betrayal, Pt. II
The hatred rushes through me
It chills my bones, while boiling my blood
I am no longer awake
The Others have taken over
They have their evil plans
To try and destroy the other
They put their plan into action
There is no more reason
I sit and watch
As they try to ruin him
The sound of her voice
Begins to quell the demons
I suddenly awake
As if from a long slumber

In the Tomb
I am now in the tomb
Watching my mind rot
Why is this happening to me?
Why won't anyone help?
Is anybody there?
The voices no longer speak
My friends are hurt
And so am I
What happened here?
Please won't someone help me?
I can't take this anymore
I am haunted by my own feelings
And I begin to rebuild the wall
That keeps me safe...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The samurai fights
His katana thirsts for blood
With honor he dies

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

13 Ways of Looking at Death

It is the end of life.
When the heart stops beating;
The brain stops thinking;
The lungs stop breathing.

A hooded figure,
Cloaked in darkness…
The curved blade of the scythe
Gleams in the blackness.

A sweet release,
After a long sickness…
You are finally free.
The pain is gone.

It strikes like lightening;
Causes fear, anger, sadness.
No one is safe
From its grasp.

A mysterious force.
Why does it happen?
How does it happen?
The answer eludes all.

Paradise or eternal torment-
Which would you choose?
Only your actions dictate that choice.
Only you control your destiny.

A continuous cycle,
Winter and spring,
Death and rebirth.
Will it ever stop?

It grips the human race.
Fear of the unknown;
Fear of the loss of a loved one.

A killer in the night.
He stalks the unsuspecting,
Preys upon the weak-
Like a lion on the hunt.

Morbid and somber,
The procession marches through the streets.
The citizens stand aside,
As the dead pass by.

Corpses rot on the barren field.
A sound of gunfire in the distance.
The bodies are faceless,

A chunk of rock falls.
As it hits, it scars the Earth.
Even the strongest of creatures are killed.
Lush forests become barren deserts.

A way to save others;
One group dies so the others can live.
One may call it simple logic; natural selection,
But it is just death.